The £1/day website rental is an offer made by some web agencies, including XXL Web, to allow small businesses and startups to have a professional website without having to pay a large amount of money for the design and creation of a custom website.

In general, this website rental offer includes a number of standard features such as basic design customisation, creation of key pages such as homepage, services page, contact page, etc. It can also include web hosting and a webmaster. It can also include web hosting, basic site maintenance, security updates and regular backups.

A showcase site is a website that presents your company and its products or services in a static way.

The main purpose of a showcase site is to provide visitors with information about your business, its values, products or services, contact details and opening hours. It can also include customer testimonials, images, videos or any other multimedia content that enhances the business.

It is often used by small businesses, freelancers or self-employed people to present themselves online in a professional and accessible way. It can also be used as a point of contact for potential customers who want to know more about the company before deciding to do business with it.

Customised design

XXL Web creates customised websites to meet the specific needs of each client. The sites are designed according to the company’s visual identity, its objectives and its target audience.

Responsive design

All showcase sites created by XXL Web are designed to be fully compatible with mobile devices, which guarantees an optimal user experience for all visitors.

SEO optimization

XXL Web integrates search engine optimisation (SEO) techniques right from the creation of the website to improve its visibility in the search engine results.

Content and images

XXL Web can assist in the creation of content for the website pages, as well as the selection and integration of images and graphics for an optimal user experience.

Hosting and maintenance

XXL Web also offers hosting and maintenance services to guarantee the availability and security of the website at all times

Training & Support

XXL Web also offers training and support to help clients manage their website, including content management and traffic analysis.

An iOS and Android mobile application is software designed to run on Apple’s (iOS) and Google’s (Android) mobile operating systems. Mobile applications are programs designed to be used on smartphones, tablets or any other mobile device. They have become very popular in recent years because of their ability to provide specific functionality and personalised user experiences on mobile devices.

Mobile applications can offer many benefits to your business, helping to improve customer engagement, increase brand awareness, improve accessibility, increase sales and collect data.

Parce que vous n’avez pas le temps pour cela, en nous confiant l’analyse de votre trafic, vous pouvez vous consacrer à votre activité.

 Traffic analysis

The analysis of your website traffic is very important for your visibility! We increase the traffic of your site, in order to position you in the best search results. For this, natural referencing is essential, but it takes several months to reach pole position.

By combining various sources of traffic and multiple contents, through social networks, such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twiter, etc… we allow Google to attract search engines to your site and thus increase the results.

This work is time consuming and we use over twenty different techniques, which we implement, from the moment your site goes live, to develop your traffic.
Choose the package that suits you best from our offers! We are here to help you develop your visibility and attract potential customers, to develop you.

Because you don’t have time for that, by entrusting us with your traffic analysis, you can focus on your business.

Newsletter & E-mailing

The newsletter & E-mailing is the means to make known, to the people who wish it, the information and the events, come or past, concerning your company. It also allows you to put forward new products or promotions by targeting interested people. You avoid sending mass mailings to members who are not interested in receiving certain information or news. This way, you preserve your reputation as a sender by limiting the number of emails reported as spam.

The advantage of the newsletter is that the recipients can choose to subscribe freely, they can be part of your customers, in your customer base, or strangers, i.e. the public subscribes freely.

Because you don’t have the time, let us handle your newsletter campaigns so you can focus on your business

Natural SEO

SEO (search engine optimization) is also part of SEM (search engine marketing). This activity allows you to increase the visibility of your B2B or B2C website on search engines and thus improve the interaction between search engines and the searches of Internet users.

In order to appear on the first places of the search engines, which is very important and determining on the traffic of websites in the SEM (search engine marketing) part, natural referencing or SEO (search engine optimisation) is essential for your e-marketing strategy.

Being on the first places of the search engines holds a very important and determining place on the traffic of the websites, part of the SEM (search engine marketing). It will give Internet users confidence and it will ensure your credibility instantly.
When searching for a product or service, a user uses one or more keywords.
Entrust your e-marketing strategy to a professional, with SEO and build trust and credibility.
Studies show that consumers are more likely to buy from a company they trust.
SEO is an ongoing process and the SEO manager must be on top of the information in the search engine algorithm.
SEO is an investment and whatever your long term project will cost you a certain amount of money (depending on the project), but you will get a return on investment and sustainable traffic optimization.SEO allows you to get passive or continuous traffic from the keywords you specify in your content on your site. This traffic obtained through SEO is free, unlike PPC (Pay Per Click), where you have to pay per click on your ad based on the keywords you have purchased,

If you wish to outsource your SEO activities, our team will advise you and determine with you the strategic choice that best suits you and will provide you with a minimum of theoretical knowledge to properly define your objectives.

 Paid search SEA

SEO is more effective than SEA. We find that in some sectors, 50% of traffic comes from SEO but SEA accounts for nearly 80% of the marketing budget. SEA pays off quicker, but if you stop spending, it stops abruptly. SEO (internal or external) is more or less free. It takes more time but generates more lasting benefits. The ideal is to mix SEO and SEA. By entrusting us with your SEO you will optimise your marketing strategy budget and you will be able to focus on your business.

Your site must be optimised and respect the criteria of referencing according to the logarithms of search engines. Without this, your site (shop window or e-commerce) will be invisible and you will have no chance that Internet users will find your site on the web, by typing in keywords. Content writing is very important and plays a major role.

Community manager

The Community Manager has an important role in managing the company’s reputation, the brand on the net, and the company’s image. He or she is the conductor of the web’s workings.

Although the company’s reputation and brand on the web are important, the Community Manager must also play a role of moderator, of watchdog, because the image is also very important.

He/she controls exchanges, develops the number of ambassadors, creates debate and listens to the communities, encouraging them and making them loyal (with rewards at the end). It also ensures that ethics are respected in order to avoid any excesses.

It has been shown by many studies that the most important factors that affect the ranking of a site on search engines are the signals from social networks (tweets and retweets from Twitter, +1 from Google+, like from Facebook)
For the animation of your social networks, call on the expertise of a community manager


You are creating a site to be successful and to generate traffic. So you need to prepare for success! You may be wondering why website maintenance is essential? Maintenance ensures that your site responds if your traffic increases to the point of spikes, or doubles.

Posting articles on social networks, a successful blog generates a spike in traffic each time and it is not uncommon for traffic to double at that time. If your site doesn’t keep up with the increase in traffic, it could crash. Have you made a backup?

If you don’t have a maintenance guarantee in case of a crash, you will find yourself without a site for a while. You will have to call on an ad hoc service, which will certainly be very expensive.
To guarantee the durability of the site, even though scalable solutions exist (WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, etc.), it is important to make regular updates, to make them more efficient and safer, otherwise you leave the door open to hackers.

Content management also requires updates to prevent your site from becoming a gas factory. Incompatibility and errors must be avoided as new features are added to replace old ones. The modules, the theme, the core of the site management must be regularly updated. In fact, the updating of the theme, depending on the functionalities developed, must be brought into line with the new versions of the core or the modules. Two types of maintenance are to be defined.

Application maintenance and corrective maintenance:
TMA (third-party application maintenance). If you subscribe to application maintenance, this means that your site and its components will be updated regularly and will ensure the continuity of the site.
Corrective maintenance means that in addition to updating the site, the developer will also correct any new bugs. Indeed, it sometimes happens that with the update of a browser, a display bug appears. In this case, corrective maintenance guarantees that it will be solved. This type of maintenance covers a broader action, and is therefore generally more expensive.
Each solution (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc.) has its strengths and weaknesses, and possible accounting issues, etc. Maintenance should be a specialist affair in order to guarantee its proper execution.
Maintenance is like an insurance policy, which guarantees that your website is in good shape, but not only that; it also guarantees its durability.
Building a website is an investment, which requires monitoring and care in order to make it profitable. You have understood that! The maintenance of a website is part of an economy of risk, it is not mandatory but it is better to pay attention to it.

catalogue management

Definition of a catalogue site
A catalogue site is a site that presents in detail part or all of a company’s product catalogue. The catalogue can contain hundreds or even thousands of product sheets, unlike a showcase site, which often only contains a few pages of general presentation. A website that allows you to download a catalogue, in pdf format, is not strictly speaking a catalogue website.

There are different types of website
when the products in the catalogue are offered for sale through an exclusive distribution network, catalogue websites are particularly useful. Multiplying product sheets with relevant content is a good way to improve your natural referencing (SEO).
-Showcase site: presentation of the company, its products and services.
-Catalogue site: detailed presentation of products.
-E-commerce site: online sales.
Each site offers functions for creating catalogues; we will see later how to convert visitors into customers using catalogues and a portfolio.

Graphic charter

The graphic charter is a set of rules and recommendations that define the visual identity of a company or organisation. It includes graphic elements such as the logo, colours, typography, icons, illustrations, etc., which are used for the company’s visual communication.

The graphic charter is an essential tool for ensuring the coherence and visual quality of all the company’s communication media, whether it be the website, brochures, posters, business cards, etc. It helps to strengthen the company’s brand image, improve its visibility and promote its recognition among customers and prospects.

Logo design

Working with XXL Web, clients can expect a professional logo design process tailored to meet their specific needs:

  • Custom Logo Design: XXL Web works with the client to create a unique, custom logo that perfectly represents their brand and values.
    Multiple proposals: XXL Web offers several different logo options so that the client can choose the one that best suits their needs.
    Unlimited revisions: XXL Web offers unlimited revisions until the client is satisfied with the final logo.
    High quality files: XXL Web provides high quality files in different formats to enable the client to use their logo on different media, such as websites, business cards, brochures, etc.
    Logo Style Guide: XXL Web provides a logo style guide which includes guidelines on the correct use of the logo, colours and associated fonts to ensure brand consistency.

Photography & video

XXL Web also offers photography and video services for companies that want to improve their online presence and brand image. Professional photography and video can help showcase products, services and the company itself, communicating visually and engagingly with potential customers.

Photography services can include studio or on-site shoots, as well as image processing and editing to ensure professional quality. Video services can include the production of promotional, advertising or training videos, as well as editing and post-production.

XXL Web works with professional photographers and videographers to provide high quality services to its clients.

Web design

Web design refers to the visual and aesthetic design of a website. This includes the layout, typography, images, colours and all the graphic elements that make up the overall appearance of the website. Web design is essential for the user experience and to create a consistent visual identity for the company. Good web design should also take into account the functionality and usability of the website. Web design professionals use tools such as graphic design software, web programming languages such as HTML and CSS, and frameworks to create attractive and functional websites.